It is well known that a decrease of oxygen density in the air due to altitude above sea level causes gasoline combustion to be incomplete. As a result, carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrocarbons (HC) are produced.

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a rigid and highly toxic substance for humans and the excess of it is significantly contributing to air pollution and greenhouse effect globally. CO is somewhat different from carbon dioxide (CO2), which is also produced at the combustion of gasoline, but a good part of it is regularly absorbed by trees and plants and transformed back into new oxygen.

As a matter of fact, the city of Bogotá being located at 2,640 meters above sea level, has experienced one of the highest levels of CO environmental pollution resulting from the incomplete gasoline combustion in the thousands of motor vehicles running throughout the city streets.

Another reason that adds up to contamination levels is the so called hydrocarbons (HC) which emanate from the vehicles exhaust pipes. The HC are actually gasoline fraction debris which is not consumed by the engine due to lack of oxygen in the combustion process, something that can be noticeable as a blackish gas release at the exhaust pipe when the accelerator is stepped on.

Carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbons (HC), nitrogen oxides (NOX) and other polluting gases discharged by gasoline-run automobiles are the responsible agents causing for serious environmental and health conditions. Some of these disorders have become as complex and harmful as today´s widely known illness affecting the central nervous system, which is caused by and has been linked to the inhaling HC vapors. The narcotic effect, behavioral change and brain damage caused by those hydrocarbon vapors to human health can be sadly observed in homeless teenagers or the so-called “street children” that usually get addicted to inhaling glue vapors (HC) directly into their nostrils and lungs.

The obvious danger of being massively exposed to these mentioned toxic emissions lays in the fact that they can trigger subsequent brain disorders and even myocardia attacks as the carbon monoxide (CO), which is an odorless and colorless gas, will displace the flow of oxygen in the blood thus preventing it from reaching the brain. That, according to scientific studies, would at first produce a gradual poisoning process in the body including initial drowsiness signals, lethargy and ultimately death.

The Marclais EV has demonstrated to efficiently reduce environmental pollution by allowing a balanced proportion of air into the engine that will ensure an optimal combustion with gasoline thus lowering the emission of contaminating fumes.

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